
Author name: admin

Crucial factors to enhance English language fluency for Non-native English Speakers

Crucial factors to enhance English language fluency for Non-native English Speakers 

Crucial factors to enhance English language fluency for Non-native English Speakers Communication in English can be a bit daunting for non-native speakers. Picking up the correct pronunciation of words, sentence structures and the rules of grammar can be difficult for them initially; therefore, they need to put in the effort to acquire the knowledge of a new language. Trying to express their thoughts in a different language may be tough because they keep on thinking […]

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nhack the tricks to enhance your ability to speak…

Unhack the tricks to enhance your ability to speak English better.

Unhack the tricks to enhance your ability to speak English better. In today’s job scenarios, no matter where you go and what job you apply for speaking good English is a necessity. Ever wondered why, despite having all the educational qualifications and capabilities, you still cannot crack that one job interview? Well, that is mostly because your skill set of Speaking English is not that impressive. Now, what can be done to overcome this issue?

Unhack the tricks to enhance your ability to speak English better. Read More »

Different reasons for being afraid of public speaking

Different reasons for being afraid of public speaking

Different reasons for being afraid of public speaking Public Speaking is one of the primary skills that are required for excelling in your career. Conveying our ideas coherently in front of the crowd takes courage and when we leave a lasting impact on others’ minds, it boosts our self-esteem. Public speaking enhances your skill of processing how the people are reacting to what you are trying to convey. It requires you to effectively convey your

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Effective tips to improve your English vocabulary with an English speaking course

Effective tips to improve your English vocabulary with an English speaking course

Effective tips to improve your English vocabulary with an English speaking course  The basic rule of learning any language is to grab hold of the vocabulary. The more words you have, the better will be your approach to put those words into your routine. For an entire communication, one needs to develop the necessary four skills of language that are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The English language is a globalized language that everyone needs

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Learning Spoken English: The key to being a global citizen

Learning Spoken English: The key to being a global citizen

Learning Spoken English: The key to being a global citizen. We all are aware of the fact that English is the most commonly spoken language all around the world. No matter where we travel, we will see English as the most commonly understood language among the citizens. Keeping aside the communicative criteria, on a professional level, speaking English plays an important role. Being able to speak English fluently devoid of any mistakes instantly elevates your

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